Dr. Patricia C. de Luna
Surgeon Dentist
Preventive, Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry
Dr. Patricia has built an excellent reputation as a trustworthy dentist, known for her dedication to honesty, ethics, and integrity. With a deep passion for caring for others and giving back to the community, she pursued a career in dentistry, graduating from one of the highest ranked dental schools in the country.
To stay at the forefront of her field, Dr. Patricia regularly attends seminars and dental meetings, with a particular interest in Prevention, Esthetics, and Sports Dentistry. In recognition of her commitment, she received a Tribute from the São Paulo Dental Association (APCD) in 2011 and the INC Presidents Award in 2012 for her exceptional dedication to the international community in São Paulo.
She is a member of several professional organizations, including the Academy for Sports Dentistry (USA), Associação Brasileira de Odontologia Desportiva (Brazil), Associação Paulista de Cirurgiões Dentistas (APCD Brazil), Conselho Regional de Odontologia (CRO-SP Brazil), Conselho Federal de Odontologia (CFO Brazil), and the Interamerican Association of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (IAPO).
Dr. Patricia also actively promotes preventive care through workshops and courses for parents, children, and school staff, and volunteers her time with international expatriate social organizations in the city.
An avid reader and traveler, she has recently taken up Muay Thai. She founded her Family Dentistry practice, pioneering the concept of family dentistry in Brazil. Her commitment to excellence, combined with her diverse cultural experiences as an expat, enables her to offer comprehensive treatment plans. Her compassion for children and ability to address parental concerns have made her a favorite among families.
Born in Brazil, Dr. Patricia grew up as a third-culture kid, moving from Mexico City to Crystal Lake, Illinois, and later to Amsterdam. She returned to São Paulo in 1987, where she completed her studies and established her private practice, serving the international community with a focus on General Dentistry for both adults and children, emphasizing Prevention and Esthetics.
Helping patients feel more comfortable and positive about their dental experiences, and providing a supportive and culturally familiar experience to fellow expats is one of her greatest joys.
Dr. Patricia's philosophy is to provide the highest quality dental care with minimal intervention, aiming to keep her patients free from cavities and other oral diseases.
Dr. Patricia is licensed in both Dentistry (CRO/SP 60.715) and in Law (OAB/SP 258.548),
with specializations in Private Law and in Corporate Law
Calcium Hydroxide and Solutions for Pathologies, Endodontic Perforations and Resolving Endodontic Pain (Prof. Dr.Ilson José Soares et al.)
Cariology and Prevention (Prof. Dra. Monica Campos Serra)
Composite Resins in Posterior Teeth and Universal Adhesives (Prof. Dr. Paulo E.Capel Cardoso)
Dental Anatomy and Sculpting (Prof. Dr. Sillas Luiz Lordelo Duarte Junior)
Dental Materials (Prof. Dr. José Ricardo Penteado Aranha)
Dental Pediatrics (Profa. Dr. Yara Pierangelli C. Fonseca)
Dental Restoration – Adhesive Prosthetics, Glass Ionomers and Adhesion of Posterior Teeth (Prof. Dr. Nelson Scholy Junior and Prof. Dr. João Carlos Gomes)
Digital Photography (Nikon School)
Endodontics – Intensive Course (Prof. Dr. Roberto Holland)
Endodontics – Pain, Diagnosis and Treatment (Prof. Dr. Hildeberto Francisco Pesce et al.)
Endodontics (Prof. Dr. Mário Roberto Leonardo)
Endodontics (Prof. Dr. Valdir de Souza)
Endodontics in Pediatrics (Prof. Dr. Célio Percinoto)
Esthetics and Physiology – Patient Satisfaction (Prof. Dr.Wilson Batista Mendes)[
Expert in Lip Fillers Week (Gabriela Piovesan)
Impacted Teeth, Alveolitis and Clinical Application of Osseointegrated Implants (Prof. Dr.João Gilberto Cunha Moreira et al.)
Local Anesthesia in Patients with Special Needs, AIDS, Focal Infection and Risks (Prof. Dr. José Ranali et al.)
Management and Marketing in Dentistry (Prof. Dr. Eduardo Elias Farah)
Medical Emergencies in the Dental Clinic (Prof. Dr. Vesa Veijo Pellervo Kaskela)
Medications in Dentistry (Prof. Dr. Nicolau Tortamano et al.)
Minor Oral Surgery (Prof. Dr. Elyseu Siccoli et al.)
Occlusion and its Physiopathology (Prof. Dr. Lúcio Celso Gosuen)
Orthodontics –Prevention to Correction (Prof. Dr. Clóvis Roberto Teixeira)
Periodontal Procedures in Prosthetics (Prof. Dr. Paulo Martins Ferreira)
Periodontics (Prof. Dr. Márcio Fernando de Moraes Grisi)
Photography - Complete Course (Espaço da Fotografia)
Prevention and Cariology (Prof. Dr.Osmir Batista de Oliveira Junior)
Prevention in Restorative Dentistry (Prof. Dr. Pedro Américo Machado Bastos)
Prosthetics in Implants (Prof. Dr. Ariel Lenharo)
Prosthetics in Implants (Prof. Dr. Franciso de Assis Mollo Junior)
Removable Partial Prosthetics (Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Vergani)
Removable Partial Prosthetics (Prof. Dr. Eunice Terezinha Gianpaolo and Prof. Dr. Ana Lúcia Machado Cucci)
Restorative Dentistry (Prof. Dr. Luiz André Freire Pimenta)
Restorative Dentistry (Prof. Dr. Luiz Narciso Baratieri and Prof,. Dr. Silvio Monteiro Junior)
Restorative Dentistry and Fixed Prosthetics (Prof. Dr.Luiz Narciso Baratieri et al.)
Stomatology (Profs. Drs. Acyr Lima de Castro, Takeo Adhemar Furuse and Alvimar Lima de Castro)
Surgery for the General Clinic (Prof. Dr. Elias Naim Kassis)
Surgical Procedures in Today’s Dental Clinic (Prof. Dr.Silvio Alves de Aguiar)
Tooth Whitening and Removal of White Spots (Prof. Dr. Jorge Komatsu)
We offer comprehensive care, bringing specialists to you in every field so that you don't have to face traffic in the city.

With a genuine passion for dentistry, Dr. Caroline stands out for the exceptional quality of her orthodontic treatments. With over 15 years on our team, she combines advanced techniques with a personal touch, ensuring that each patient feels welcomed and secure. Her sweet and delicate approach transforms every appointment into a pleasant experience. She believes that a healthy smile is the key to self-esteem and well-being, and is always ready to help her patients achieve the smile of their dreams.

Dr. Karin is a renowned specialist in dental prosthetics, with a career marked by dedication to teaching and aesthetics. Specialized in Orofacial Harmonization as well, she integrates advanced techniques to create smiles that are not only functional but also beautiful. Her meticulous approach emphasizes the well-being of each patient, providing personalized treatments that enhance self-esteem and confidence. As a professor, she shares her passion and knowledge with future professionals, always encouraging the pursuit of excellence in dentistry.

Dr. Liliani began her career in the Brazilian Army, where she learned the importance of discipline and commitment. With a keen eye for detail, she dedicates herself to providing root canal treatments with the utmost precision and care. Her meticulous approach ensures that each procedure is performed safely and comfortably, always prioritizing her patients' dental health. Passionate about her work, she strives to transform challenging experiences into moments of trust and tranquility.

Dr. Tadashi is a prominent professor and specialist in dental prosthetics, with extensive experience in high-quality implants and surgeries. His multidisciplinary perspective and commitment to excellence make him a reference in the field, ensuring long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing results for his patients. With deep technical knowledge, he constantly seeks innovations and advanced techniques, always prioritizing the health and well-being of those he treats. In addition to his clinical activities, he is passionate about educating and inspiring new professionals in dentistry.
Personal Experience Abroad
Professional Experience
Our Address
Centro Odonto-Médico
Rua Dr. Alceu de Campos Rodrigues, 247 - Cj. 22
Vila Nova Conceição
São Paulo, SP - Brasil
Tel: +55 (11) 3044-3111
Whatsapp +55 (11) 97573-3111
Office Hours
Monday - Wednesday: 8am - 6pm
Thursday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturdays: Upon request
Office Hours