What should you expect from your consultation or check-up?
A dental consultation is similar to a medical check-up - it's the procedure through which your heathcare provider will examine and evaluate your oral health.
Upon arriving for your check-up, we will ask you a series of questions regarding your general and oral health. This information is valuable so that we can become better acquainted with your medical history. When asking about your medical history, we will ask you about habits, symptoms and illnesses, prior surgeries and any medications you may be taking. This information will help us reach an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan that is right for you.
We will then take you to the exam room, where we will perform a thorough examination of your teeth and surrounding tissues. A cleaning may be performed following the exam or may be scheduled for a separate appointment. If needed, we may request additional exams such as x-rays or other imaging exams, or even blood work.
At the end of your consultation, you will receive information on how to maintain your oral health and on how often you need to return to the office.
Consultations take approximately one hour. We see patients by appointment only. We do our best to be punctual so that you do not have to wait for your appointment. In the event that we are behind schedule due to an emergency, you will be immediately informed. We kindly ask that you extend the same courtesy to us, arriving on time for your appointment and letting us know if you will be late or cannot make your scheduled appointment.
At what age should check-ups begin and how often are they needed?
Dental check-ups should begin as a part of an expectant mother's prenatal care. When babies are born, their teeth are already developing, so we recommend that the first check-up be scheduled prior to age one.
We recommend that check-ups and cleanings be done at least once every six months, for the majority of patients. There are exceptions, in which we will recommend shorter or longer intervals between check-ups, depending on a patient's oral health and hygiene habits.
Dental check-ups are important to:
- Diagnose problems with your oral health;
- Evaluate the health of your mouth, cheeks, tongue, throat and gums;
- Diagnose cavities;
- Check existing fillings, which may suffer wear and infiltration as they age;
- Treat problems early on, to prevent disease from progressing;
- Evaluate habits which may interfere with your oral health;
- Offer professional guidance on how to maintain your oral heath.